• Päikesepaneelide paigaldus

Solar power plant

Solar power plant
design and installation

We have designed and installed larger ground-based solar parks as well as created solar power plants for larger production facilities. Take a look at our completed projects completed projects and explore the possibilities.

Solar power plant
surveillance and monitoring

For large solar parks, we recommend adding video surveillance.
It is possible to choose cameras with different focus angles and distances according to the project and requirements.

Reconstruction support for ida-viru county (KredEx)


Comprehensive reconstruction of apartment buildings enables increasing the energy efficiency of the building, extends its lifespan, enhances its value in the real estate market, and leads to improved indoor climate.

The support is intended for cooperatives and local governments located in Ida-Viru County, who wish to partially or fully reconstruct their apartment building and thereby increase the energy efficiency rating of the building by at least one class.

The service is suitable if:

  • The reconstructed apartment building is located in Ida-Viru County
  • A building with three or more apartment units has been taken into use before the year 2000
  • At least 80% of the apartment units in the building are owned by the local government unit or at least five different natural persons.

The budget for the application round is 9.4 million euros.

The regulation governing the support came into force on December 22, 2023. Learn more about the regulation here.

More information about the support can be found here.

Supply security support for entrepreneurs

The support is aimed at preventing supply disruptions resulting from energy crises.
The support can be used for investments in transitioning to a new energy source and ensuring supply security to prevent potential supply disruptions resulting from the energy crisis associated with the war in Ukraine.

Applications for the support are ongoing. The support is funded from the European Union's Recovery Fund "NextGenerationEU".

Size of the support:  Up to 200,000 euros for micro and small enterprises, up to 500,000 euros for medium-sized and large enterprises
Co-financing: 50- 80 %
Total support amount: 20 000 000 euros

Who is the support intended for:
– The support can be applied for by a company registered in Estonia, engaging in economic activity since January 1, 2021
– The average annual turnover of the applicant in the two preceding financial years, based on the annual reports submitted to the business register, is at least 100,000 euros in the main activity sector of the applicant
– Sectors whose companies cannot apply for support

What can the support be used for?
– purchase of storage devices necessary for ensuring energy supply security
– construction of buildings and facilities necessary for ensuring energy supply security
– construction of buildings and facilities necessary for efficient district heating network connection and procurement of equipment along with connection fee
– activities for which the support cannot be used

The supported investment object must be located in Estonia.

Information on the application form and submission of the application can be found on the Enterprise Estonia website